The proceedings of our collaborative conference, Proceedings of International Conference on Social and Education Sciences (IConSES)-2019, is selected by Web of Science for coverage in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI).
The Proceedings of International Conference on Social and Education Sciences (IConSES)-2019 is already indexed by Education Resources Information Center (ERIC).
The Proceedings of International Conference on Humanities, Social and Education Sciences (iHSES)-2020 will be submitted to Web of Science for coverage in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) and ERIC Index.
Thanks for your interest in the conference
Organizing Committee
The proceedings of our collaborative conference, Proceedings of International Conference on Social and Education Sciences (IConSES)-2019, is selected by Web of Science for coverage in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI). The Proceeding...
July 03, 2020
The participants have the opportunity to publish their full papers as chapters in the annual book. The Studies on Social and Education Sciences 2020 (SonSES2020) is a peer-reviewed scholarly online book. The invited papers are reviewed by at least two international reviewers with exper...
March 14, 2020
The participants have the opportunity to publish their full papers in the conference-linked journals (IJTES, IJTE, IJonSES, IJonEST, IJonSE). All sponsor journals are refereed journals and have a double-blind review process. Any manuscript submitted for consideration in publication in the spon...
March 14, 2020
The publications affiliated with ISTES Organization are indexed or listed by all or some of the following sources: